Blogs we read

Here are some travel bloggers we like (and not because they like us back!).

Cheapskate extraordinaire Samuel & Audrey bumbling around the world one awkward step at a time. Check their popular YouTube travel channel BackpackingTravelTV.
My Travel Affairs: Marysia is a bubbly and slightly crazy Polish Girl who dedicates her time and energy to unconventional exploring the world in search of amazing people, unique places, and immersing stories. Wait till you read them!
Nomadic Samuel: A jack of all trades and a man who wears many hats – the kind of individual that doesn´t like to stay in any one place for any serious length of time. A quirky digital nomad who has been on the dusty trail for 7 consecutive years.
Pack Me To Tales of a serial ex-pat as she travels and eats her way around the world.
Smiling Faces Travel Photos: Inspirational website sharing with you smiles from all around the world.
That Backpacker: A full-time travel blogger, photographer, YouTube video maker, and freelance travel writer. Audrey wants more stamps on her passport. She’s making travel videos around the world and owns too many suitcases.


Expat and Travel directories & other links
Blog Expat: living abroad
Expat Blog Blogs of ex-pats living in Croatia. The living in Croatia guide by ex-pats in Croatia.
Expats Blog: Expats Blog unites expatriates around the globe via their blogs.
Seafront Apartments in Komarna: Seafront, nothing else to add!
Travel Directory: A worldwide travel directory featuring travel deals, travel photos, and travel blogs.
OnlyTourist Travel Directory: A travel directory featuring everything travel.
TraveLinkSites: A great source of in-depth interviews and link recommendations from globe-trotters from all around the world.
Travel Sites


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