Art in Zagreb: Peter Lindbergh’s Photo Exhibition

Even if you don‘t  follow  fashion or celebrities, I bet you heard of Naomi Campbell, Linda Evangelista, Milla Jovovich, Helena Christinsen, Tatjana Patitz or Amber Valetta. Even if you just returned from Mars or something and still don’t know what I’m talking about, there is a big chance you saw their beautiful faces in some magazine while waiting for your train or plane.

Art in Zagreb: Peter Lindbergh Photo Exhibition
Wonderful Zagreb

So let’s face it, you probably heard of them. But have you heard of Peter Lindbergh? That’s a body and soul behind the camera that created photos of those gorgeous women and made them even more beautiful, if possible. Yep, Mr. Lindbergh knows his job well, and he is one of the biggest stars of modern photography.

Peter Lindbergh: the man behind the exhibition

He shoots a lot but doesn’t exhibit that often. Therefor it is not surprising that all world media are showing great interest in his photo exhibition in Zagreb, calling it the top event of modern art that you shouldn’t miss. It’s his first exhibition in 16 years, and the only one he’ll have in the entire 2014. So if you stay in Zagreb until May 10, don’t miss this exhibition.

Art in Zagreb: Peter Lindbergh Photo Exhibition
Art in Zagreb: Peter Lindbergh Photo Exhibition

You’ll be able to enjoy on display more than 150 photos from the two of his most famous art collections: The Unknown and Images of Women. It will be accompanied by a documentary and a video installation featuring the music composed by  Benjamin Lindbergh, Peter Lindbergh’s  eldest son.

In author’s words, the Images of Women art photos define and create a new femininity of the late 1980s and early 1990s, while The Unknown photo collection shows models, actors and ordinary people exposed to an unknown fear and fiction. Lindbergh’s photos celebrate a simple beauty of women emphasizing their personality and mysticism over the fashions they are wearing.

Art in Zagreb: Peter Lindbergh Photo Exhibition
Art in Zagreb: Peter Lindbergh Photo Exhibition

The exhibition is taking place in the Mestrovic Pavilion, a home of the Croatian Association of Visual Artists. The ticket for the exhibition is 40 kn (approx. 5.5 €). The exhibition is open from 11.00 am to 8.00 pm (Tuesday-Thursday), until 9.00 pm on Friday and Saturday, and from 10.00 am to 6.00 pm on Sunday. Closed on Monday and public holidays.

Are you familiar with Peter Lindbergh’s work? Do you like art photography? Let us know in the comments below. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to and affiliated sites. This post might also contain affiliate links to other sites, like accommodation or activities. And if you purchase anything using these links, we earn a little commission with no extra costs for you. Thank you for supporting our blog! Read full disclaimer here.

3 thoughts on “Art in Zagreb: Peter Lindbergh’s Photo Exhibition”

  1. Wow, this looks like a great exhibit. I so wish we were there right now to check this out. I really love black and white photography, the idea of photographing people exposed to a new fear seems almost satanic but I can only imagine the emotion in their faces.

  2. What a treat to visit this exhibition. An amazing talent and an equally great post.

  3. Angela Travels

    I really enjoy photo exhibits. If I wasn’t halfway around the world, I would definitely check this one out!

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