Split green market, or as locals call it Pazar, is one of the town’s iconic spots. No visit to Split can be accomplished without a visit to its green and fish market. While at the majority of the places, you’ll find these two markets attached and inseparable one from the other, it’s not a case in Split.

Split green market is located on the eastern side of the city walls, while its fish market is located on the western side of the walls. There is a logical explanation for this oddity: fish market is actually located close to the town’s fishing port of Matejuska, while the green market is located close to the main road leading in and out of the town.
Split green market is a bustling place full of everything, from fresh fruits and vegetables, homemade cheeses and cured meats, to flowers, cheap souvenirs, low quality clothes, and shoes. If you stay in one of Split’s self-catering apartments, this is definitely place to go for your daily provisions. And even if you don’t plan on buying anything, Split green market is definitely worth a visit.
Split green market is a colorful stage, a place of encounter, and eternal murmur, a place where urban meets rural and they blend together. A visit to the market is a daily ritual for locals. Market still offers certain intimacy – the vendors will call you their dearest, honey, youngster (regardless of your age). They’ll try to charm you into buying their produce in any way possible. But that is the part of the show. And the reason why we like markets. They have a personality, compared to the sterile shopping malls. Although, not all the produce is local (regardless what the vendor is telling you), the atmosphere is 100% local and original!
If you visit Split, don’t miss its green market. This is an excellent place to explore and to blend with locals.
If you want to read more about Split green market, check this In Your Pocket post.
Further reading
- Learn all Split essentials with our Split Travel Guide.
- Plan your activities in Split with our detailed guide to things to do in Split.
- If you plan to stay in Split, check a list of recommended accommodation in Split Croatia.
- Find out where to eat in Split with our post on best restaurants in Split.
- Detailed info on Split beaches you’ll find here.
- A list of Split bars and clubs.
Can anyone tell me the name or number of the gentleman selling his own pepperoni and his own cheese in a stall at the top of the market
He says try this friend to everyone going by and will proceed to give you a taste
He has very little English
Updated it! Thanks! Approx. from 7 am to 2 pm
The link for In Your Pocket no longer works. Can you tell me when this market is open? Days of the week and hours? Thanks!
Thanks, Papilio! Not sure if this is a true story, but it sure seems logical to me :). Thanks for stopping by.
I live in Split and never tought about the reason why fish and green markets are separated in that way, although is perfectly logical now when I read it:-). Thanks for the info.
Thanks, Ann Lynn. That’s what they say anyway … it makes sense, though. :)
Thanks, Lauren! I love markets for that exact reason. Everything looks so fresh.
I love all of those veggies! Everything looks so fresh!
You learn something new every day! Interesting tidbit about the markets being separated!